Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Questionaire results

For my audience research i asked 20 people to do my questionaire, to keep the results fair i asked 10 male and 10 females.
The target audiences age for my magazine will be 16-21
I will target both males and females and will try to keep the magazine open for both genders.
The bar chart to the right shows the result of my questionaire for most popular music genre, each person who filled in a questionaire chose one music genre so the result is out of 20. The most popular music genre is Hip-Hop with rock, R'n'B and Drum and base coming a close second, and the least popular genre is pop. After finding these results out i am considering making my magazine based on the Hip-Hop genre with a twist of rock.

This graph shows the results of my researcjh questionaire onto who's is the most popular artist. I asked 20 people to pick their favourite 4 artists/bands out of the list, you could only select the same artist/band once, the result is out of 80 votes.
Joint top with 9 votes are; Enter shikari, Black Eyed Peas and Linkin Park, Tupac came a close second with 8 votes. 3rd place was Tinchy Stryder. From this graph i have found out that the artists/bands most popular are from the rock/R'n'B/HipHop genre.
From my questionaire i have found that 75% of the people who completed my questionaire preffered bands to solo artists. The most popular answer for the question "How often do you read music magazines?" was 'sometimes' recieving 40% of the votes. 90% of people like lots of images within music magazines and the maximum price they would pay for a music magazine would be £4.
The most popular answer for the question "What would you like to find wihin a music magazine?" was interviews, new band information and tour information. 50% of people buy music 'often'. Also the most popular shop for males was Republic and the most popular for females was River Island. Also 40% of males put Carling as their favourite drink while 65% of females put WKD.

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