There is a lot happening on the page and its quite confusing to start off with, a lot of images are on the page and cover most of the page. This contents page is quite chaotic, just like the rock genre.
There are two main images on the page, one in the bottom right of the page which is of a band and the image that stands out the most is in the middle left, the sell line says 'Reading and Leeds' on a yellow background and a picture of an artist wearing yellow, this stands out as they text and the picture stand out bright against the background. The bright yellow stands out well as the page has not much colour in general as the background is just white with images and text put onto it. The white background could suggest cleanliness. Also the words 'Leeds and Reading' are very appealing to rock fans as there is are two big music festivals at Leeds and Reading, so this is very appealing to rock fans.
The smaller pictures are of less importance, this is because they are pictured at the sides of the page and are much smaller, the pictures are of album covers or of bands performing and they contain little text.
The contents section on the right hand side of the page is full of highlighted text, this is to show the most important text and the most interesting.
This contents page doesnt interest me much but he thing i do like a lot is at the top of the page where the author of the magazine has written a little bit about whats in this issue, i think this is very good and i will try to include it in my magazine when i create one.
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